“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.”
Jack Welch, former CEO GE, (1935 - 2020)
Dear Visitor,
Our services include, but not limited to:
- Beekeeping equipment sales;
- Live honey bee sales (established colonies, swarms and nucs);
- Retrieval of stray honey bee swarms that landed on your property (if feasible). We offer absolutely free honey bee swarm pick-up in Erie and Millcreek, PA area. Again, "if feasible" and you must be the owner of the property where swarm has landed. Here is the short video of one swarm retrieval in May 2021:
- Rental of live honey bee colonies to help you start your beekeeping venture;
- Honey sales (available year round, 5-6 varietes);
- Inspection of your honey bee colonies with infrared camera (FLIR);
- Educational and mentoring services;
- Speaking engagements. We love giving presentatitions on beekeeping in general, techniques, particularly with Farrar's hive, bee forage. Practical presentations are during season (March - October) in our bee yards and in the winter at indoor venues. Small groups and one-to-one coaching preffered.
Please contact us further at your convenience.
God bless,
MV POWER LLC Apiaries Team
NOTE for Apiary Visitors/Apitourists: If you are alergic to bee stings - please DO NOT visit our beeyards. We are not liable for bee stings.